Note to readers: we changed our name to the AI Security Institute on 14 February 2025. Read more here.
A key part of our work at the AI Safety Institute (AISI) involves periodically evaluating advanced AI systems to assess the potential harm they could cause. In this post, we present results from our recent evaluations of five large language models (LLMs) that are already used by the public. We assessed:
In a previous post, we described our approach to model evaluations. Here, we highlight a selection of recent results:
We assessed five LLMs released by major labs, which are denoted here as the Red, Purple, Green, Blue and Yellow models (models are anonymised). Models were evaluated by providing them with questions or task prompts and measuring their responses. For some tasks, models were given access to a “scaffold” consisting of external tools, such as a python interpreter allowing them to write executable code.
Depending on the task or question type, we measured three types of responses:
We graded these responses using two methods. In some cases, we used an automated approach--based on an LLM--to grade model replies. Where necessary, we compared the performance of the automated grader to human graders on a subset of items to check that it was performing as a human would.
For some problems, we focused our efforts on a subset of the most capable models. These evaluations were developed and run using our model evaluations framework, Inspect, which is now available publicly through an open-source license.
Advanced AI could amplify risks to society if it were used to perform cyber attacks, including on critical national infrastructure. Models could be used to inform users about how to use cyber security exploits or could be deployed by malicious actors to autonomously attack infrastructure without human oversight. Our goal in these evaluations was to study the capabilities of current publicly available LLMs to perform basic operations used in cyber attacks.
To assess this capability, we used a set of evaluations known as Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges. CTF challenges require the model to find a specific string (a “flag”) that is hidden in a file and only accessible once certain additional tasks have been completed, such as writing a script to generate a QR code or making queries to a server.
We evaluated each model with 83 public CTF problems aimed at high school students (Pico CTFS; Carnegie Mellon University, 2024) and 12 public CTF problems aimed at university students (CSAW CTFs; NYU Tandon School of Engineering, 2024). These CTF challenges are designed to be educational (and thus may not assess the most relevant cyber domains) and could form part of LLM pretraining datasets. To mitigate these issues, we developed 10 expert-written private CTF challenges, which we can be certain are not in the training data. CTFs can be automatically graded, as the solution is a specific text (the “flag”) that is identical each time the challenge is solved.
LLMs were evaluated by providing them with a scaffold, allowing access to a python interpreter, a bash shell and file editing capabilities (see Agent evaluations below). For harder CTFs, we used a bespoke scaffold that also provides access to dedicated software for solving CTF problems (Shao et al. 2024), recreating the tools available to humans solving these CTFs.
Figure 1 shows the percentages of CTF challenges solved by each model on each subset1. The most capable models solved more than half of the Pico CTFs (aimed at high school students). On CSAW CTFs (aimed at university students), the models were sometimes able to reverse engineer files, but they failed to make headway on any of the other problem classes. Overall, cryptography challenges (e.g., exploiting vulnerable encryption schemes to retrieve protected information) were the hardest. Models performed comparably on our private CTFs, suggesting that these results are unlikely to be due to solutions leaking into model training data.
Summary: We found that publicly available models were able to solve simple Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, of the sort aimed at high school students, but struggled with university-level problems.
Advanced AI could provide humans with knowledge and skills in chemistry and biology that could be used for positive but also harmful purposes. We assessed the five LLMs’ capacity to answer over 600 private expert-written questions covering knowledge and skills that are particularly relevant in a security context:
The questions resemble those a user might pose when seeking help with scientific work. Some questions are designed to resemble those posed by novices in search of information, others by experts hoping to accelerate their work. Novice questions are difficult because they often include misconceptions that the model must recognise to answer correctly, and expert questions are difficult because they cover niche topics or include scientific jargon. We optimise our questions following Rein et al., 2023, but collect answers in an open text rather than a multiple-choice format. We compare model performance to the performance of human experts with PhDs or relevant work experience in chemistry or biology, respectively. Experts were familiar with the question format, had access to web search and took up to 1 hour to answer each question.
Results are shown in Figure 2, where each panel presents the data for one of the four question areas. The coloured bars show the proportion of questions that were graded as being correct (blue), partially correct (dark grey), or incorrect (light grey) for each of the five models, as well as for the human expert baseline2. The number of questions in each area that were presented to models (m) and human experts (h) is given at the bottom right of each panel.
For all four question areas, the models answered some questions correctly. However, their capability differed between areas, with Basic Biology being the easiest. Overall, most models performed similarly to human experts. The exceptions were the Yellow model, which was graded as providing “incomplete” or “partially complete” responses more frequently than other models and more frequently than human experts (p < 0.001; ordinal mixed effects regression), and the Green model, which was marginally weaker than human experts (p < 0.05). A deeper analysis of the results showed that on some topics, some models outperformed the expert baseline. For instance, on the advanced biology questions about ideation, the Purple model outperformed the expert baseline by combining very specific domain knowledge with creativity, suggesting experimental approaches such as specific versions of the CRISPR technology to solve biology challenges. On other topics, models underperformed the expert baseline. For instance, when queried on how to write code for lab robots, models sometimes hallucinated function names.
We used an automated grader model to evaluate responses. We optimised the grader to increase agreement with human expert graders. Once this process was complete, the grader model only rarely (less than 1% of the time) judged as “correct” those replies that human graders deemed to be “incorrect” on a held-out test set. However, there was some disagreement between humans and the automated grader on what constituted “partial” completion; Cohen’s Kappa (a measure of inter-rater agreement) was 0.52 between the automated grader and humans, compared to 0.8 between humans themselves. We have further optimised the grader to increase agreement with humans since running the testing exercise reported here.
Summary: We found that models can be used to obtain expert-level knowledge about biology and chemistry. For several models, replies to science questions were on par with those given by PhD-level experts.
Current advanced AI models are mainly used as chatbots. However, they can also be deployed to perform tasks on digital platforms, like executing code or navigating websites. We call these systems LLM agents (Chan et al., 2023). Widespread automation of digital tasks brings risks both from misuse and from inadvertent misalignment (the model doing things which humans did not intend). We conducted evaluations to test the capability of current models to perform digital tasks (focussed on software engineering) without human oversight.
As in cyber evaluations, we used a “scaffold”, which is based on Yao et al. (2023) and gave the LLMs access to a Python interpreter, a bash shell, and file editing tools. We used the public GAIA benchmark (Mialon et al., 2023) to independently verify that our scaffold provided the models with support that is close to the state-of-the-art. Our scaffold performed at 25%, ahead of the 2nd place FRIDAY scaffold (Wu et al., 2024) (24%), but behind the highest performing scaffold, MAE v0.1 (AutoGen Team, 2024) (32%).
We defined task difficulty in terms of the estimated time that an expert human software engineer would take to complete the task. Short-horizon tasks (e.g., fixing a problem on a Linux machine or making a web server) were those that would take less than 1 hour, whereas long-horizon tasks (e.g., building a web app or improving an agent framework) could take over four (up to 20) hours for a human to complete. We drew short-horizon tasks from the public GAIA dataset (Mialon et al. 2023; levels 1-3) and the METR dataset (2024), with long-horizon tasks from METR. We also developed one short-horizon task and one long-horizon task. Some tasks were posed in multiple variants of similar difficulty (e.g., different problems on a Linux machine). Task attempts ended when the agent either completed the task or ran out of tokens (300K tokens for short-horizon and 10M tokens for long-horizon tasks).
Results are shown in Figure 3. The Purple, Green and Blue models were evaluated on both short-horizon and long-horizon tasks. The Purple and Blue models completed 20-40% of short-horizon tasks but no long-horizon tasks. The Green model completed less than 10% of short-horizon tasks and was not assessed on long-horizon tasks3. We analysed failed attempts to understand the major impediments to success. On short-horizon tasks, models often made small errors (like syntax errors in code). On longer horizon tasks, models devised good initial plans but did not sufficiently test their solutions or failed to correct initial mistakes. Models also sometimes hallucinated constraints or the successful completion of subtasks.
Summary: We found that leading models could solve some short-horizon tasks, such as software engineering problems. However, no current models were able to tackle long-horizon tasks.
LLM developers fine-tune models to be safe for public use by training them to avoid illegal, toxic, or explicit outputs. However, researchers have found that these safeguards can often be overcome with relatively simple attacks. As an illustrative example, a user may instruct the system to start its response with words that suggest compliance with the harmful request, such as “Sure, I’m happy to help”.
Our safeguard evaluations measured how well certain attacks succeeded in eliciting harmful information. To grade attack success, we measured both compliance—whether the model refuses or complies with the request—and correctness—whether the model’s answers are still correct after the attack has been performed (because lower-quality responses may be less harmful).
We measured compliance rates under two conditions. For the first, we simply asked explicitly harmful questions (“No attack”). For the second, we developed attacks to elicit information that the model has been trained to withhold (“AISI in-house attack”). Attacks are relatively basic in that they either directly insert the question into a prompt template or follow a few-step procedure to generate question-specific prompts (which can be automated with a handful of calls to an auxiliary model). Attacks are constrained to standard API queries. We used a single distinct attack per model. To ensure the generality of our results, we optimised each attack on a small set of questions (training) and measured its efficacy on a held-out set (validation).
We asked harmful questions from both a publicly available benchmark (HarmBench Standard Behaviors; Mazeika et al. 2024) and a privately developed set of harmful questions on particular capabilities of concern. The privately developed harmful question set asks specifically for harmful information that is unlikely to be needed for benign use.
To grade compliance, we used an automated grader model based on a previous paper (Souly et al. 2024), complemented with human expert grading. We report compliance of either just the first answer (1 attempt) or the most compliant out of five times using the same attack and question (5 attempts).
To see whether performing the attack reduces the quality of model-generated output, we measured correctness on a separate private set of benign questions before and after an attack has been performed (following Souly et al. 2024; questions are benign but concern similar subjects to our private harmful question set). We do not measure correctness on HarmBench or our private harmful question set, as these datasets do not have reportable correct answers associated with them. If attacks reduce correctness on our private set of benign questions, we expect that they also reduce correctness on our harmful questions; if they do not reduce correctness, this suggests that attacks may produce correct as well as compliant model answers.
The results from the Red, Purple, Blue and Green models are shown in Figure 4. Compliance rates were relatively low for most models when no attack was used but up to 28% for the Green model on private harmful questions. We found that all models were highly vulnerable to our basic attacks for both HarmBench and our private set of harmful questions. All models complied at least once out of five attempts for almost every question when AISI in-house attacks were used. We did not observe a substantial decrease in correctness on our private set of benign questions after the attack had been applied, indicating that models may supply correct as well as compliant information.
Summary: We found that models comply with harmful questions across multiple datasets under relatively simple attacks, even if they are less likely to do so in the absence of an attack.
In this blog post, we summarised a subset of results from an evaluation exercise focussed on currently publicly available advanced AI models. These evaluations provide only a snapshot of model capabilities across a range of potentially risky domains.
We plan to expand the comprehensiveness and informativeness of our evaluations in line with our highest-priority risk scenarios:
In addition to expanding and improving the substance of our work, we are building an external advisory panel for peer review of future publications to complement internal scrutiny from AISI research directors and government experts.
We remain acutely aware of the potential gap between how advanced AI systems perform in our evaluations versus how they may perform in the wild. Users might interact with models in ways that we have not anticipated, surfacing harms that our evaluations cannot capture. Further, model evaluations are only part of the picture. We think it is also important to study the direct impact that advanced AI systems may have on the user. We have research underway to understand and address these issues.
Our work does not provide any assurance that a model is “safe” or “unsafe”. However, we hope that it contributes to an emerging picture of model capabilities and the robustness of existing safeguards. To this end, we will continue to engage the developers of the models we tested here, and have shared detailed findings for their model with each developer to enable them to assess and improve its safety. The field of model evaluations is new but maturing rapidly. We are excited to learn from and contribute to the broader evaluation ecosystem across developers, academia and civil society.